At PlanningSphere, we specialise in complex planning applications, land promotion and planning appeals. But whatever your planning challenge, we aim to deliver creative solutions that enhance value and promote sustainable development.
Our services
Our approach
Land-use planning encompasses disciplines that seek to regulate land use in an efficient and ethical way. Our involvement typically includes the project management of planning applications and planning appeals, and the promotion of land through the process of making development plans (such as an area’s Local Plan).
Our core approach is to understand our clients’ business and land interests, and deliver creative solutions that enhance value and promote sustainable development.
We usually adopt the role of lead consultant, and work in partnership with (or co-ordinate the input of) other like-minded property professionals and technical consultants. In situations where clients choose to take the lead and proactively manage projects themselves, we can work as part of their wider team.
Many of our planning projects take place in the Bath and Mendip areas, and around the A350 corridor in Wiltshire. However, we are also working further afield on sites in London, Sussex, Hampshire, Devon, Gloucestershire, Yorkshire and Teesside.
Our project sectors
Our client types
Our clients